teeth: ‘ea teeth begone’ default replacement, (2) (3).eyes: eyes 01 + extras by pirumxsim, ‘beetle eyes v2’ default replacement.eyebrows (1) (2) (3) (mm eyebrows), + whatever obscurus/praline/any alpha eyebrows.details: faaeish’ stuff, misc face details, shine mole kit, roses acne skindetail, sammi-xox skin details, eyebags, etc.

The following are what i find myself mostly using: overall: pretty much all of what sammi-xox, lamatisse, faaeish, sims3melancholic, northernsiberiawinds, ddarkstonee, obscurus, and pralinesims has to offer (skin/blends, brows, makeup etc.).vibrantpixels, luumia, evoxyr, simbience, sammi-xox, h同学’s cheek presets.color sliders (i use this on skin details), controlled position mod, more columns, more trait slots, cas unlocks, tidy details & tidy accessories, skip cas story.background: recolourable background, ellcrze’s cas rooms, & whatever colours i may make.cas lighting: realistic lighting (current), neutral lighting, and these sometimes.reshade respository & the other github thing i forget.also i like to use wooldawn’s autumn preset.^ otherwise nowadays i just play around with the settings.**these gshade presets are made for CAS, not much so for gameplay. you know what fuck it, here’s the download.added gausssian (gaussian.fx) & tweaked to whatever idr what and add whatever grain filter 👍👍 dont expect the exact same results because i dont remember what i actually did anymore lol.FXAA is also turned on (not sure if it’s turned on by default).for this look (i think): both the tonemap (yellow tint), vibrance & technicolor settings are turned on, alongside minor tweaks in other settings.a VERY modified boho dreams preset ( converted to gshade).Some links may be wrong because tumblr likes to swap links around everytime i save!!!!!! Mutuals feel free to ask if u want any of my sims for download i’m also open to any questions you may have. Here’s basically most of the mods and frequent cc i use for the sims 4 and for me to reference when i need to update them every damn patch 🙄🥴Īlso be sure to check out my #wciftag if you’re looking for something specific.